Optimising health with functional testing.  A focus on nutrient status testing.

Functional nutrition assessment gives an overview of:

1.     Vitamins & Minerals

2.     Digestive function

3.     Energy Production function

4.     Inflammation

5.     Level of toxin exposure

6.     Detoxification capacity

Insight into these areas can be a valuable addition to nutrition consultations; providing precision data to support a more targeted approach to managing health.


Food (composed of protein, fats and carbohydrates) is broken down in the body and converted to energy via a complex process called metabolism, consisting of thousands of chemical reactions. Vitamins and minerals are essential helpers in these reactions; supporting healthy function of the body. 


By reviewing metabolites in urine (intermediate or end products of metabolism) it is possible to assess the body’s biochemical pathways, with accumulation a sign that the biochemical pathways are not working optimally.  This may be due to nutrient deficiency, inherited enzyme deficit, toxin build up or impact of medications. 


In the case of nutrient deficiency, levels can be sub-optimal for many reasons, including:

·      Poor nutrient absorption

·      Digestive dysfunction

·      Gut bacteria imbalance

·      Impact of medication on ability to absorb nutrients

·      Limited diet variety

·      Stress 


Functional nutrition assessment provides information on a range of markers to indicate personalised functional need for nutrients; some of the benefits of which include:  increased energy, healthy weight, mental wellness, improved immune function. 


Optimising nutritional balance is also key to supporting a preventative healthcare approach.


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